Roller Coating is a process that involves coating aluminum discs with a specially designed machine that virtually eliminates coating loss.
Click the video to see footage of a roller coating line in operation, which is coating aluminum circles. These coated circles will be pressed into cookware, in a process known as “deep drawing.”
The Problem
Because of the deep-drawing process, coatings that are used in the roll-coating process need to be extremely flexible. Click on the video to see how a typical roller coating performs after being stretched into a piece of cookware.
Even though the coating initially looks OK to the naked eye, it will very quickly flake off in a consumer kitchen because it was too brittle to begin with.
Enter Marrlex® - Flexible Matrix Technology
MARRLEX® is a highly engineered coating system designed for roller coated cookware. MARRLEX® has a special interlocking matrix of reinforcements that "binds" the coating layers together, and is flexible enough to handle the most severe deep draw with no adhesion loss. Click on the video to see how GMM's proprietary technology results in a much higher quality product.
GMM offers a full range of MARRLEX Interior and Exterior coatings which can be used with the roll-coat process. Click on the "Technical Specifications" PDF document to see technical information on these coatings.
Also, please download the GMM report entitled "Report on Typical Roller Coating Application Line" which shows diagrams of how roller coating machines are set up.